On blogging...

by Barbara Classen

Omas for future and the humans of New York: What do they have in common?

Our interactive video blog

A few months ago, I started a new video project on Instagram and Facebook: An interactive vlog for students of German. I use the "story function" on instagram and facebook for its popularity and for the "stickers" which allow me to ask questions so that you can practise your listening comprehension skills. Additionally, I can link to other pages which are related to the topic.

Most of my topics are around German culture and language, learning German, German society. Occasionally I allow myself to venture outside Germany...

I get inspiration by things I see around me or read in the press, podcasts I hear, apps for students of German, series, books etc: The death of the author Eric Carle (Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt), the movement Omas for future, a funny podcast on ironing and successful people, the story of a garbage man and his collection of 40.000 pieces in his New York Museum...

I publish about once or twice a week on Instagram and Facebook: @germantuitionlondon.  When you see the German Tuition logo with a red circle this means a vlog is life and interactive. After 24 hours you can still see them in the highlights on Instagram.

Depending on the topic I talk at the level A2-C1. The captions are a simplified version of what I say. I encourage students of higher levels to focus on what I say whilst students with the level of A1 and A2 can follow the vlog with the help of the captions and of course pausing and tapping back.

Each vlog is about 2-3 minutes long, perfect for a short coffee break. I invite you to join the growing community of people who take part, learn new things about German culture, new vocab and practise their listening skills.

Increasingly other people get involved in the vlog, which I love! If you have an interesting idea and would like to take part, please get in touch: barbara@germantuition.com or barbara@deutsch-in-freiburg.de


Photos by (from left to right): 

www.zeit.de (2 June) 

www.badische-zeitung.de (7 August) 

Barbara Classen @germantuitionlondon

Eric Carle: Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt (ISBN: 3-8067-4136-0) 



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